3 Ways To Save Money As You Grow Your New Veterinary Clinic


Running a new veterinarian clinic can be a rewarding experience, but starting and growing that business can be stressful both mentally and financially. Here are a few things you can do to save some money and keep stress to a minimum while you are growing your veterinarian practice and client base. Buy Your Equipment Used An excellent way to keep your costs down while building up your newly opened veterinary clinic is to buy used veterinary supplies whenever possible.

1 March 2017

Is One of Your Backyard Chickens Under the Weather? What Are Your Options?


With more and more cities passing ordinances permitting the ownership of a small number of hens in suburban and even urban areas, backyard chickens are more popular than ever before. While these chickens can provide you with entertainment, companionship, and a regular source of healthy protein, they're also prone to some health problems with which you may not be accustomed if you haven't raised chickens before. Read on to learn more about tackling some common health issues with backyard hens as well as when (and how) to seek medical attention for a hen in crisis.

14 November 2016

Microchipping Dogs: 3 Things You May Want To Know


It is extremely common for dog owners to get their pets microchipped at a veterinarian's office. Dog owners do this for many reasons, and there are numerous benefits this offers. If you are considering this but do not fully understand how it works, here are three things you may want to know. How It Is Done When a veterinarian microchips a dog, he or she will insert a small chip into the animal.

27 July 2016

When Spring Fever Hits: 7 Dos And Don'ts Of Dealing With A Hormonal Parrot


Springtime is a parrot's natural breeding season, and you may notice your feathered friend exhibiting some seemingly odd behavior during this time. Your usually docile pet may become more aggressive at this time, or seek out suitable nesting materials such as a blanket or couch cushion. Regurgitating food is another hormonal behavior that some birds exhibit during breeding season. Fortunately, you may discourage negative behavior during this time by following a few tried and true "

31 May 2016

Hamsters and Dehydration: Get Answers to the Critical Questions You May Have


If your hamster is not acting like its usual self, and you notice it doesn't seem to be drinking much, you may be worried about dehydration. Just like all animals, a hamster can become dehydrated if it does not get enough liquids. However, since hamsters are so small, dehydration can be a serious problem and set in quickly. Severe dehydration can set in within a few hours depending on the activity level of your hamster, with death being possible if it goes without water for a day or two.

18 April 2016

How To Keep Up-To-Date With Your Pet's Status After They Are Admitted To An Animal Hospital


If your pet needs to be admitted to an animal hospital for an emergency or routine procedure, it is important that you stay up-to-date about their progress and possible release date. This will allow you to prepare for their homecoming and can help ease your concerns about their health. Here are some tips for keeping in touch with the animal hospital after your pet has been admitted.  Know How Long Your Pet Will Stay at the Hospital 

8 April 2016

Steer Clear Of Strangles: Understanding Equine Distemper


Strangles (equine distemper) is a serious respiratory illness that can threaten the life of your horse. It is caused by a strain of strep bacteria known as streptococcus equi. Because it is highly contagious to other horses and spreads quickly, you need to learn to recognize the disease and practice basic prevention to keep infections from spreading during an outbreak.  Symptoms And Prognosis When the strangles illness sets in, it causes an overproduction of mucous in the respiratory tract, and the lymph nodes in the neck swell.

18 March 2016

5 Valentine's Day Hazards to Keep Away From Your Canine


For couples, Valentine's Day is a romantic time to celebrate your love for each other. During the celebration, it may be tempting to include your dog, but some precautions should be taken. While you can still have fun and celebrate the holiday, there are a lot of special Valentine's day treats that could leave your cainine at the vet clinic for the night. As you plan various festivities, keep the following five Valentine's Day hazards in mind.

26 January 2016

3 Alternative Health Treatments That Can Help With Your Pet's Pain, Illnesses, or Stress


Making sure that your dog or cat receives regular checkups and vaccinations at the veterinarian's office is absolutely important. However, if you're looking to reduce your pet's stress, minimize pain, or treat chronic illnesses, give these three alternative treatments a try. Acupuncture Acupuncture is starting to become a common sight at many veterinarians' offices. Acupuncture has to either be performed by a veterinarian or under a veterinarian's supervision, so talk to your vet to see if they offer an acupuncture program for pets.

30 July 2015